
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2019

Project: Simple filesystem

Introduction Music: Some random YouTube suggestion ,  Barns Courtney - Fire , Taco Hemingway - Grubo-chude psy Repository: Resource management is all around us. On macro scale, the sand is just a resource. Resource we, people are constantly using in construction industry. Food is a resource we are dealing with every day. Amount of wheat in given country is also a resource. And resources usually needs to be managed. As a programmer, I tend to meet resource management also, on a smaller, micro scale. My Ubuntu operating system with its shell allows me to organize my files. My applications are constantly using some resources of my computer's or servers' they are working on, which I try to optimize. Databases are working on huge sets of data and it's my job to predict and handle situation, when requested resource is available or does not exist. Managing assets is a common thing in projects. I have worked in the past ...